Holiday with Jaxon

In 2019 I had planned a trip to Disneyland with my son to be able to go in March 2021, but due to Covid 19 we are unable to go. I then used the travel credit so all the money I had put on our Disneyland trip I transferred it over to a Gold Coast holiday to visit our Smartpups and to celebrate Jaxon’s 5th birthday.

On the 29th of August Jaxon and I will be travelling by plane to the Gold Coast for a holiday on the beach, and a couple of surprises to help celebrate Jaxons birthday. This will also show Jaxon that there is goodness in life too after being diagnosed with diabetes 2 years ago and from being harmed by someone. (something I will share after court)

We are so excited that we only have $2000 to go on our fundraiser and we are going to visit the Smartpups training grounds, visit Australia Zoo, visit the theme parks on the gold coast and Jaxon wants to visit the beach and go for a swim in the pool.

If you would like to help us get to our goal please visit this link.

To try to get to the last $2000 we are going to sell Jolly soles.

Only $2000 to go

Please join our Facebook group to watch our adventures with Smartpups and to see his pup he will be getting.

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